I weekenden deltog jeg i miniaturemessen i Farum. Det er som sædvanlig en dejlig oplevelse, hvor man får talt med en masse søde mennesker. Selvfølgelig får man også brugt en masse penge, men man får også en masse gode ideer med hjem. Jeg fik desværre ikke taget nogle billeder.
Last weekend I was participating in The Miniature Fair in Farum. As always it was a plesure, and where you'll talk to a lot of nice people. Of course, you'll also spend a lot of money, but also bring home a lot of good ideas. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures.
Nøjagtig som sidste år, stod jeg ved siden af Hans og Elfi Meier fra Nostalgische Puppenstuben, der igen havde lavet nogle fantastisk flotte ting.
Exately like last year I had a stand beside Hans and Elfi Meier from Nostalgsiche Puppenstuben, and again they had made some fantastic things.
Ups, jeg er nødt til at gå...
Ups, I have to go...
Hi Lene... It was nice to meet you and see your tiny wonders. Susanne and I will be back next year :0)
SvarSletWonderful to see you and your beautiful stand at the fair. I hope you had a nice trip back. Looking forward to see you and the other Danes next year.
SvarSletDenne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.
SvarSletThank you Lene,
SvarSletIt sounds like the Farum fair is a must do experience!!! I'll certainly try to make it next year!!!
Have a nice weekend!!
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