It's been raining all day, so I've made miniatures most of the day. I've made a tray for my roombox. It's made of cheap materials and is very easy to make. I've made a tutorial, so everybody can join.
Bakke i fransk landstil
Tray in french style
Tray in french style
For at skabe liv i en miniaturescene er det rart at have et sted at lave et stilleben, og til det er en bakke rigtig god. Den kan dekoreres med stearinlys, bøger og små æsker, eller man kan vælge at bruge den som en helt almindelig bakke med serviet, en dejlig kop te og måske en lille kage.
To make a miniaturescene look real, it's nice to have a place to make a still life, and here a tray comes in handy. It can be decorated with candles, books and little boxes, or you can choose to use it as a normal tray with a napkin, a nice cup of tea and maybe a little cake.
For at lave en helt enkel bakke, kan man bruge nogle billige materialer, så selvom du ikke har en masse værktøj og måske heller ikke har prøvet at lave noget i træ før, ja, så kan du roligt gå i gang.
To make a simple tray, you can use some cheap materials, and you can do it without a lot of tools, and even if you haven't made anything from wood before, you can still make it.
Listesaks, eller alternativt hobbykniv/sav + skærekasse
Stripwood cutter or craftknife/saw
Lim, hobby- eller trælim og kontaktlim
Glue, craftglue and contact glue
Maling, farve efter ønske + brun til patinering
Paint, your favourite colour and brown for patina
1 mundspatel (kan købes enkeltvis på apoteket for 3-5 kr.)
1 mouth spatula
2 rørepinde til kaffe (kan findes på div. cafeer/Mc Donalds mv.)
2 sticks for coffee (can be found at Mc Donalds)
2 små maller (fra hægte og malle) alternativ ståltråd
2 small eyelets
Start by cutting the bottom of the tray from the spatula. I've cut the bottom 3 cm and kept the width of the spatula. I used the stripwood cutter.
Det giver en færdig bakke på ca. 25 x 35 cm i skala 1: 12.
The finished tray measures about 25 x 35 cm in scale 1 : 12.
Derefter klippes endestykker af rørepindene. Lim endestykkerne udenpå bunden, brug evt. en limkasse så du får endestykket til at sidde vinkelret på.
Afterwards you cut the ends from the sticks. Glue the ends to the outerside of the tray.
Now you cut the sides from the sticks, and glue them on.
Når det hele er tørt kan man vælge at skrabe/ridse i træet på både inder- og yderside for at lave det slidte look. Det må gerne blive hakket og ujævnt, især på kanterne.
Så skal hele bakken males, men lad være med at mal bakken helt perfekt. Der må gerne være lidt steder, hvor malingen ikke dækker helt.
Now it's time to paint the tray, but don't paint it perfect. Don't let paint cover enterily.
When the tray is dry, put a little drop of brown paint on a piece of paper. Dip a cotton stick in the paint and wipe most of it off. Now you very carefully paint the tray, where it has to look shabby. Be ready to wipe off, if you put on too much paint.
Wide out the eyelets so they look like handles, and eventually bend them a little. Glue them on with contact glue, and you're done!
Rigtig god fornøjelse!